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Local a Visitar


The Monastery of Batalha, or Real Convent of Santa Maria da Vitória da Batalha, is one of the most monumental assemblage of monastic architectonic works preserved in Europe. It was built in fulfillment of a vow made by King D. John I to the Virgin Mary, Patroness of Portugal. In 2007, the Monastery of Batalha was considered one of the 7 Wonders of Portugal.


Peregrinos de Fátima

Situated only at a few meters from the Sanctuary of Fatima and from Most Holy Trinity Church, the Hotel Peregrinos de Fátima offers the best conditions of shelter and comfort so you can relax peacefully and enjoy your visit to Fatima.


Hotel Peregrinos de Fátima
Av. D. José A.C. Silva, nº 346
2495-402 FÁTIMA, Portugal
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